Employment Masterplan
Outline planning permission secured for the erection of up to 1,000,000 ft² of Class B8 (storage and distribution) employment space and associated infrastructure.
The specific requirements for individual buildings will be dictated by occupier requirements at reserved matters stage, therefore the proposed scheme establishes the principle of development (use) and key parameters including maximum floor areas, footprints and levels / heights.
The illustrative masterplan demonstrates how the phases of development could relate to each other and are coordinated by a full suite of technical reports that assess the parameters of the proposal.
Angus Meek Architects was commissioned to provide an initial site analysis and prepare conceptual coverage proposals for this strategic employment site, before progressing to the outline planning application.
Alternatives considered include distribution units from 200,000 to 750,000 ft² in addition to a more traditional business park development providing a full range of accommodation from terraces of starter industrial units to headquarters office buildings.